Dialogue with Three Chords (D3C) presents a benefit for the Look at the Fish (LatF) theatre company on March 29th at 8PM at Mr. Dennehy's at 63 Carmine Street, NYC.
The evening will benefit the company and it's upcoming production of: "The Genesis Collection of Plays; Nine Monologues for the Theatre by Don Nigro; Dramatic tales of creation, love, carnage, and obsession told by Look At The Fish Theatre Company" to be directed by Thomas Mckee and Thomas James Lombardo
An evening of monologues written and performed by members of Look at the Fish theatre and live music. Admission is $12 and comes with a raffle ticket. 21 and over, please: the benefit is in a room with a private bar.
Excerpts from selected Don Nigro monologues will be performed as part of the benefit, as well as two works by LatF company playwrights Bret Richard Hoskins and Stephen Gracia.
"I'm very pleased to be a part of the Look At The Fish Theatre Company...they investigate the text and trust the text. That's very important to me. I think they will do brave, honest, and good work." --LatF company playwright Don Nigro
The performances will include:
"Genesis" by Don Nigro
Eve tells her side of the story.
With Colby Minifie as EVE, directed by Thomas James Lombardo
"Diogenes The Dog" by Don Nigro
Diogenes, the homeless Greek philosopher and founder of Cynic philosophy who often lived in a bath tub outside of Athens shares his unique philosophy of life.
With Dorien Makhloghi as DIOGENES, directed by Thomas James Lombardo
"The Last Giddy Hour of a Woundless Heart" by Stephen Gracia.
In this modern day Prometheus monologue/tale, a man away on business gets more than he bargained for after hiring a prostitute.
With Philippe Chang as MAN, directed by Thomas James Lombardo
"Frankenstein" by Don Nigro
A young woman who wrote her dissertation on Frankenstein shares why this novel her a definition of what it means to be alive. With Rachel Troy as MEREDITH, directed by Thomas James Lombardo
"Gone Fishin' On A Cloudy Day" by Bret Richard Hoskins
A scene from the forthcoming short play. With Ridley Parson as JIMMY and Evan Daved as CHARLIE, directed by Thomas James Lombardo
With live music from composer Aleksi Glick, accompanied by Christina Bendetto. Please visit www.aleksiglick.com
There will also be a raffle full of great prizes! Tickets are $2 each or 6 for $5:
-5 hours of free rehearsal space at 36th Street Studios
-Original manuscripts of collections of plays by Don Nigro; not published
-Free tickets to any Look At The Fish Theatre Company show
-Free tickets to Barefoot Theatre Company's next play at the Cherry Lane featuring Lynn Cohen
-Half off a headshot session (200$ - original price is 400-500$) from Even Cohen Studios
-2 Concert Tickets to ZoSo, the legendary Led Zeppelin Cover Band.